Why Emerald is more Expensive than Diamond?

Why Emerald is more Expensive than Diamond?

Emeralds and Diamonds both hold a special place in the gemstone market and in the hearts of jewelry lovers too. Highly valued since ages these stones are still trending in...
Virica Jewels
How to Care and Clean an Emerald Ring

How to Care and Clean an Emerald Ring

Aw, emerald rings! From Cleopatra's renowned emerald collection to contemporary engagement rings, these breathtaking green treasures have enthralled hearts for millennia. However, having an emerald ring is about preserving that...
Virica Jewels
Facts & Myths about Emerald

Facts & Myths about Emerald

What comes to your mind when you try to describe emeralds? Stunning, beautiful, vibrant, and a lot more. Isn’t it? The vivid green hue and captivating allure of the stone...
Virica Jewels
All About Worlds First Emerald

All About Worlds First Emerald

Emeralds the most prized stone is quite popular due to its captivating green color, ranging from bluish-green to pure green. Not only color, but luminosity and depth of the gemstone...
Virica Jewels
Vintage Emerald Rings for Engagement

Vintage Emerald Rings for Engagement

Looking for an engagement ring that is truly unique and meaningful? Then you are in search of a vintage emerald ring. Besides being beautiful and elegant, they represent a blend...
Virica Jewels
Emerald Astrological Benefits

Emerald Astrological Benefits

Emerald is one of the world's most sought gemstones in the world after diamond. Due to their beautiful green color, they are believed to offer many benefits in Vedic astrology....
Virica Jewels
Emerald Solitaire Rings - Adorn the Luxury

Emerald Solitaire Rings - Adorn the Luxury

Luxurious Jewelry reflects a lavish identity! And when it comes to adorning luxury then emeralds are a top choice. Their vibrant green color is both beautiful and elegant which makes...
Virica Jewels
All About Durability of Emerald

All About Durability of Emerald

Emeralds are loved for their vibrant green color and elegance. Although they are delicate in appearance, still these gemstones are usually worn every day. How? All because of their durability....
Virica Jewels
10 Fascinating Characteristics of Emerald

10 Fascinating Characteristics of Emerald

Emeralds are equally trending like diamonds and celebs and other influencers are opting for them for their big and small events. The vibrant green hue and elegance of this green...
Virica Jewels
Understanding Spirituality with  Emeralds

Understanding Spirituality with  Emeralds

Emeralds associated with heart chakra have a strong spiritual connection. Known for symbolizing compassion, love, and forgiveness this green stone plays a big role in spiritual growth too. It helps...
Virica Jewels
Healing Properties of Emerald Gemstone

Healing Properties of Emerald Gemstone

Emeralds are powerful stones valued from ancient Egyptian times to the Greek and Roman eras. Admired for beauty and power, these green stones hold deep symbolic meaning and are quite...
Virica Jewels
Gemstone Emerald: Properties and Benefits

Gemstone Emerald: Properties and Benefits

Emerald the Green stone of gem world, is gaining fame rapidly. Although beauty plays a major role in this rise, it's not solely responsible. Their special properties like astrological, metaphysical,...
Virica Jewels